
The Comfort of Home

Tips To Keep Bugs Away From The AC System

Bugs in your air conditioner are dangerous for several reasons. For example, the bugs can die and circulate with the conditioned air, causing a health risk to your household. Debris from bugs can clog AC parts and interfere with air circulation and heat exchange, interfering with the AC's efficiency. Below are practical tips to keep bugs away from the AC.

Repair Damaged Ductwork

Pests can get into the ductwork via cracks, holes, or disconnections between duct sections. Such duct damage occurs due to corrosion, age-related wear and tear, and accidental impact. Bigger pests, such as mice, can also damage ductwork and allow other animals entry.

Ensure your ductwork is always intact to prevent pest infestation. You should suspect damaged ductwork if your house has poor airflow, rattling sounds from the duct system, and excessive dust or debris. Call an HVAC contractor for diagnosis or repair if you spot such signs.

Control Vegetation Around the Outside Unit

Many pests thrive in organic matter, which they use as food or habitats. Pests can easily jump from vegetation around your HVAC's outdoor unit to the unit itself. Clear plants around the HVAC outside unit to reduce the risk of pest transfer.

The clearance around the outside unit also encourages airflow around the unit and encourages heat exchange. That way, the HVAC doesn't have to struggle to heat or cool your home.

Use Screen on Vents

Pests can also get into your HVAC system via air vents. HVAC contractors place screens on the vents to prevent pest intrusion. However, the vents wear out with time and develop holes that pests pass through. Keep an eye on air vent screens and replace damaged ones.

Regularly Clean the HVAC

Debris on your HVAC encourages pest infestation. Clean the HVAC unit regularly to minimize debris accumulation. HVAC debris also increases the risk of overheating, increases friction on moving parts, and restricts airflow. Thus, regularly cleaning the HVAC unit has multiple benefits.

Observe General Pest-prevention Measures

Lastly, the pests that invade your HVAC are the same pests in or around your house. Thus, you should eliminate pests in your home to prevent HVAC pest infestation. General pest prevention measures include keeping your house clean, cleaning liquid spills as soon as they occur, patching exterior holes, and using regular professional pest extermination services. 

Hopefully, you won't have to deal with pests in your AC system. Remember to clean the AC regularly to reduce debris accumulation that might attract pests. Contact an air conditioning technician for help if pests have already interfered with the AC's performance.

About Me

The Comfort of Home

When I married my amazing husband ten years ago, I moved into the brick, ranch home he already owned. Immediately, I was thankful that the house was equipped with a central heating and air conditioning unit. This once efficient system kept me cool during the hot summer days. It also allowed me to remain warm in my home during the cold winter nights. Now, our air conditioning unit is twenty years old. Because of its age, the system has started to malfunction. Recently, my husband contacted an HVAC contractor about installing a new system at our home. This kind technician patched our old system to give us time to contemplate what type of new unit we want. On this blog, I hope you will discover the ways an HVAC contractor can help you continue to enjoy the comfort of your home.


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